The Social Media Gap
A report examining how recently enrolled FE students and their parents use social media, providing valuable insights for colleges for their social media strategy.

About The Social Media Gap

Took part in a surveying focus groups asking
questions about social media such as...

What platforms do students prefer?
What content do they find most engaging
Who or what influences their college decisions?
What platforms do their parents use most?
Do they use social media to research colleges?
What resources do they use to research colleges?

How much time do providers spend on social media?
What platforms do they tend to use the most?
How are they looking to improve their social media strategy?
3 Key Insights

Students want “authentic content”, particularly featuring fellow students. Creating this kind of content is key to
engaging them.

With 94% of parents using social media to research colleges, it is vital for providers to invest in managing reputation on these platforms.

The creation of social media campaigns should also include a strategy for tracking insights from them, to use in refining future campaigns.
Finding The Sweet Spot

The Social Media Gap gives you the insights to help you find the sweet spot between the platforms and content students and their parents find engaging, and your social media content and engagement strategy.